With the sequential way we perform first the assessment of biomarker-positive patients and if the result is positive then we continue with the biomarker-negative patients.
Alternative names: sequential designs, Fixed-sequence 2 designs, hierarchical fixed sequence testing procedure
- Their use is recommended when there is compelling evidence that biomarker-positive individuals benefit more from the experimental treatment than the biomarker-negative patients.
- They are appropriate when it is not expected for the novel treatment to be effective in biomarker-negative patients unless it is beneficial for the biomarker-positive patients.
- As these subgroup-specific designs follow a sequential assessment and thus the designs are composed of two stages, the sample size calculation is also staged.
- For binary outcome the required number of biomarker-positive patients is the same as for the enrichment designs.
- For the conduct of these designs, it is important to ensure that there is also an adequate number of biomarker-negative patients for analysis purposes.
- For time-to-event outcomes, the required number of events for biomarker-positive patients is the same as for the enrichment designs.
Sample size Formula
is referred to the required number of biomarker-positive patients (binary outcome), is the required number of biomarker-positive patients (binary outcome) in the enrichment designs.
is referred to the required total number of patients (binary outcome), is the required number of biomarker-positive patients (binary outcome) in the enrichment designs.
is referred to the required number of biomarker-negative patients (binary outcome), is the required number of biomarker-positive patients (binary outcome) in the enrichment designs.
is referred to the required number of events for biomarker-positive patients (time-to-event outcome), is the required number of events for biomarker-positive patients (time-to-event outcome).
is referred to the required number of events for biomarker-negative patients (time-to-event outcome), is the required number of events for biomarker-positive patients (time-to-event outcome), , , are the event rates in biomarker-negative and biomarker-positive control subgroups.
Statistical/Practical considerations
- Allow for the estimation of treatment effect in biomarker-positive and biomarker-negative subgroups.
- Preserve the overall type I error rates and allow for a smaller sample size than the parallel version.
- Considered as the best direct evidence for clinical decision making as it tests the treatment effectiveness in both the biomarker-positive and biomarker-negative subgroup in a sequential way.
- Do not require larger sample size than the overall/biomarker-positive designs when the prevalence of the biomarker-positive patients is small.
- Have less power when there is homogeneity of treatment across the different biomarker defined subgroups as compared to the overall/biomarker-positive designs.
- Need a much larger sample size than the overall/biomarker positive designs if we assume that the treatment effect is relatively homogeneous across the biomarker-defined subgroup.
Key references
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